Meeting the author of my favorite book of all times “ Nine Chambered hearts” – Janice Pariat.

  • Posted on: 20 February 2024
  • By: editor@nk
Meeting the author of my favorite book of all times “ Nine Chambered hearts” – Janice Pariat.


A person holding a book</p>
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I am a voracious reader. I pick up books from wherever I go. Once when I had gone to blossoms I saw this book “ Nine chambered heart”. Lying on stack. Though. I had heard about it a lot through book tubers, I never intended to buy a fiction book. Since I was not in mindset of reading fiction at that particular point of time but since it was second hand book I picked it up with half mind to read.  

But but but …! What I thought was completely wrong. This book instilled my faith in fiction. I was in absolute awe of this book and the way the author has disturbed this protagonist. A woman who is seen through a different men. Their perspective about one woman. The same woman who was seen in different ways. Made my reader self spell bound. 

 Though the book does not talk about the name of the protagonist or where she lives or names of these men who have portrayed her. Author keeps the book in such a way that it is a page turner.

A page of a book</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedA book with signature on it</p>
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This was about the book, but let me tell you about the author. I read this book and I owe my reader awakening to Janice Pariat mam. I found her insta handle. As an ardent fan wrote a message praising her and the book and forgot. Because I thought she would have got so many messages and DMS will she replay to me! Who is after all a reader of her book.

Two women smiling at camera</p>
<p>Description automatically generated``A screenshot of a chat</p>
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To my surprise she replied and she was so polite that my heart started melting….

Can an author be so polite and be so humble! This made me realise being humble is a virtue I need to also practice. (see the blue tick in the image)

This is not the end of story. I started following her liking her post and it was on one day she had posted her new book launched she would come to Bengaluru and do a QnA.

The venue is most loved place by reader “Champaka book store” <its 24kms from my place FYI>. But I still wanted to make it and meet my favorite author my dad was there with me that day but he didn’t stop me he also wanted to join me in this. We went and I saw her had a chat before and clicked pictures. The QnA was such a meaningful session. The Pics show how involved we were. Her book which she had talked was “everything the light touches” It was 1800 that time and my favorite book was 1200.

I badly wanted to get a signed copy of that so even if it was literally the last penny I bought and got it signed by her and its always my priced possession. Though I was broke buying books, I felt that blissful and happy that I met my favorite author, got two books signed and she was so generous to sign my artwork which will always be etched on my heart for the grace Janience mam showed.

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